The heat has several effects on the dermis, either it can keep it moisturized or simply cause rashes due to high temperatures, while the cold manages to dry the skin until it even reaches the point of cracking it.
Of course, that happens in extreme cases of exposure to low temperatures. There are some very effective homemade recipes to keep our skin and hair moisturized.
We talk about basic recipes with homemade ingredients that have medicinal qualities very beneficial for the skin and, in turn, to treat other types of internal or external discomfort, because each property not only moisturizes, but acts in the body through the dermis for the better functioning of the blood and, consequently, of the organs. If you want to have a moisturized body, healthy and free of imperfections, take note and use the recipes that we will give you below.
4 perfect moisturizing recipes for your skin
Avocado mask:
One of the most used foods for the hydration of the skin and hair, has medicinal properties such as vitamin E and omega 3, which regenerate dead cells and soften the dermis, giving it a lot of shine.
Grind an avocado until obtaining a soft substance and mix with two tablespoons of honey. Once finished this step, smear the mask in the affected areas and let stand for 20 minutes, then wash with plenty of water.
Exfoliation with honey:
Besides being a rich sweetener, it is also a very useful component when you want to moisturize the skin, because it has antioxidant, antibacterial and moisturizing qualities.
Combine a good amount of honey with glycerin, then go to the shower and moisten all body to proceed to apply the remedy and massage the entire skin. Wait 15 minutes and then take your bath as usual.
Milk cream:
The fats of this dairy are perfect to maintain a smooth and smooth skin. This recipe, in addition to having the cream of milk, also needs lemon juice and liquid milk.
Mix all the components and rub the result in the drier parts of your body, but be sure to do it at night because the lemon in contact with the sun causes clear spots. Let the remedy work for 10 minutes and remove it with water.
Olive oil:
Moisturizer par excellence thanks to its fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E.
Apply and massage this oil into your body for 30 minutes and then take a shower. If you want you can mix it with coconut oil and honey and even apply it to your hair in case you have dry, brittle or fall problems.
Try to make each of these recipes for two uninterrupted weeks, so moisturize your skin and keep it healthy for a long time. You can even do it for a long time if you wish.
How to avoid the Dryness of the Skin with these 8 Home Remedies
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