For example, when we are too tired, bags under the eyes, dark circles and quite remarkable marks of expression usually appear.
Once these appear they are very difficult to eradicate, something like when we gain weight and we want to eliminate abdominal fat.
However, there is a natural remedy that can help us a lot and, like a bonus, cleanse the skin, disappearing spots, acne, wrinkles and much more.
The recipe is based on turmeric, a very used spice to flavor our meals and that can also improve the appearance of our skin in a very short time. This time it is accompanied with other special and effective ingredients for cleaning the face and removing dark circles, so once you apply the naturist treatment your face will stop expressing exhaustion and you will look younger.
Ingredients needed to carry out the recipe:
A spoonful of soda
Half a spoonful of turmeric
A few drops of fresh lemon juice
To prepare the recipe you only have to mix all the aforementioned ingredients in the specified amounts, bates well so that there are no lumps and you obtain a kind of paste that is homogeneous and not very consistent.
Its color can be dark yellow almost orange, this thanks to the turmeric, which will be the main component that will fight the dead cells of your face.
Once the remedy is ready, you wash your face with warm water so that your pores open and receive the natural paste, then dry it and begin to spread the mixture carefully where you have dark circles, bags, acne and dark spots.
You will wait 15 minutes for the properties of natural medicine to penetrate your skin and may have an effect. After the lapse, remove the mask with plenty of cold water so that the pores are closed and no bacteria or microorganisms enter your body.
Repeat the action every 3 days for a month and you will get rid of those annoying dark circles and other imperfections for a good time.
What are the benefits of this mask?
Thanks to the fact that turmeric has many antioxidants, it is able to eliminate all the free radicals that cause the appearance of wrinkles, acne, spots and dark circles, also stimulates the production of collagen and slows down aging, restoring life to our face.
Lemon, on the other hand, contains a lot of vitamin C, citric acids and calcium, so it turns into a natural stain remover and burns very powerful fats. The combination of both ingredients produces the following beneficial effects:
Moisturizes the skin
Keeps it soft and shiny
Promotes its elasticity, so wrinkles will not have a place
It will eliminate stains and wrinkles for a long time
Eradicates dryness and dermal cracking.
They Call It the Golden Mask Because It Helps to Eliminate the Stains, Wrinkles and Acne: Recipe
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mejor con salud gastritis They Call It the Golden Mask Because It Helps to Eliminate the Stains, Wrinkles and Acne: Recipe | |
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